A company commander describes how the Russians quickly learn from the examples set by Ukraine's Armed Forces

A company commander describes how the Russians quickly learn from the examples set by Ukraine's Armed Forces

Russian military / Photo: Associated Press

Viktor Baranov notes that the occupiers impress not with quality, but with quantity.

Russian forces quickly learn and evolve by observing the actions of Ukraine's Armed Forces, particularly in the use of advanced technologies.

Viktor Baranov, Company Commander of the 130th Territorial Defense Battalion, with the call sign "Kep," shared this information on the air of 1+1.

Baranov explains that Russian forces are rapidly evolving on the front lines.

"They evolve very quickly, unfortunately. I believe they learn precisely because of our technologies. For example, drone bomb drops, as far as I understand, started first with us. And everything they develop happens much faster. Maybe not with better quality, but they impress in terms of quantity," the company commander said.

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