Permission for Ukraine to strike Russia with Western weapons: an expert comments on whether this will be a turning point in the war

Permission for Ukraine to strike Russia with Western weapons: an expert comments on whether this will be a turning point in the war

Ukraine has been granted permission to strike Russian territory / Photo: / Photo: ТСН.ua

A defense and security expert tells about what changes for Ukraine now.

Ukraine has been granted permission to strike Russian territory. However, given the chronic shortages and lack of resources, this moment will not become a turning point.

This was stated by Oleksandr Danylyuk, a corresponding member of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).

"I think the situation is changing primarily for the residents of northern Ukraine — Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions — where there have been constant problems due to the inability to adequately respond to continuous fire from Russian territory. It was possible to carry out some strikes with our own means, but the range of these means is limited," he explained.

At the same time, the expert acknowledged that the permission for Ukraine to strike Russian territory is an undeniable plus. However, he cautioned against expecting a turning point in the war.

"I wouldn't count on this being a game-changer given the chronic shortages and lack of resources. Tactically, it's a plus. We might even gain some operational advantages from this. I hope it will make life much safer in the border areas," he noted.

Oleksandr Danylyuk also adds that until there is sufficient saturation of the entire line of contact (including the Ukraine-Russia border, which is also actually a frontline) with a sufficient number of weapons and, most importantly, ammunition, the current situation on the front will remain unchanged.

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